Sunday, May 17, 2020
Factors That Affect Children With Learning Disabilities Essay
In the last two decades, doctors and psychologists have gained the ability to diagnose specific disorders in children due to advancements in research studies and technology. One of the major classification of disorders that affect children in middle childhood are learning disabilities. Learning disabilities are a group of disorders characterized by inadequate development of specific academic, language, and speech skills. Speech disorders, Physical disabilities, and Social and Emotional disorders are all types of disorders that can affect and disrupt a child’s ability to learn and acquire new knowledge and skills. A child is considered to have a learning disability when they perform below the expected level of intelligence for their age and there is no evidence of other mental or physical handicaps, such as vision or hearing problems, intellectual disability, or socioeconomic disadvantage. Children with learning disabilities can all exhibit different types of symptoms and reper cussions such as problems with math, reading, and writing, articulating speech and understanding spoken language, and motor coordination. For most kids with learning disabilities, these problems can last through adulthood. Fortunately, with early recognition and proper treatment, many individuals can learn and acquire the tools and knowledge to overcome or compensate for their disability. Two of the most common learning disabilities in middle childhood that affect the child inside and outside of theShow MoreRelatedAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )897 Words  | 4 Pagescommon learning disability in kids today. It is not a new disorder but it is a disorder that is more and more kids are being diagnosed with, as well as misdiagnosed with. Researchers are still trying to find the cause of ADHD and the best treatment for with kids with this learning disability. Being diagnosed with ADHD can hinder a child’s learning and even their progression in school if not c aught at an early age. According to National Center for Learning Disabilities article â€Å"How ADHD Affects Learning†Read MoreExplain the Reasons Why Children and Young Peoples Development May Not Follow the Expected Pattern1058 Words  | 5 PagesExplain the reasons why children and young peoples development may not follow the expected pattern Q: Explain the reasons why children and young people’s development may not follow the expected pattern. The child: There are many factors that influence a child/young persons development such as health issues, personal characteristics, motivation to learn, behaviour, sensory impairment, disability and learning difficulties. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Thoughts And You Change Your World - 1500 Words
Change your thoughts and you change your world (Norman Vincent Peale). We live in a society which is constantly changing with new ideas, new technology and new beliefs. Some of them are good and provides the opportunity for others to grow and expand their well being to further grow as people. Well on the flip side of that we find that many people are self-interested and just want to expand on their personal growth and not help others along the way to help the society grow as a whole. The world we live in is definitely far from perfect with difficult and unfortunate realities that exist all around us. Now there is no way we can fix every single problem that is in this world because with fixing a problem other mistakes occur and people as a society might not always agree with you. People are not perfect and it reflects in this world. But two issues i would like to fix in this world is racial discrimination and illiteracy. With a hispanic background both of these issues hit home for me because i have experienced them both first hand. All human beings are born equal. Throughout history we see that many races and cultures have been discriminated against and it is unfair! No human being has the right to tell another what they have to belief and just because they look different or have a different color of skin does not mean they are so different. Examples of times when outrageous crimes like this happened is during World War two when hitler tried to exterminate the JewishShow MoreRelatedDetermine the World for Yourself1645 Words  | 7 Pages I believe what Thayer means when he states this is that explanations from others is a trap, because no one should determine the world for you. It is up to you to find the answers. For example, in today’s generation the media does a lot of thinking for people. It is consuming much of what is out there for people to believe. 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Formulation of Good Research Questions
Question: Discuss about the Formulation of Good Research Questions. Answer: Introduction Formulation of a research question forms the basis of any given research project. It makes the researcher well conversant with the tasks to be carried out to come up with accurate and reliable results. The research question ought to be manageable within the contemporary situation(Shah, 2012). An analysis of the research question should be precise enough to outline the requirements for the research. Knowledge of the resources and personnel required is crucial. There is no predefined procedure on how to come up with precise research questions but some scholars have proposed some guidelines to such. Such tips include clarity, specificity, relevance, expertise and interest. The question should be clear, brief and free from ambiguity(Clarke, 2014). This is to ensure that the others can understand the kind of the research. Questions that tend to be too personal may keep off the participants in fear of their intimacy being interfered with. Verbosity should be avoided so that only a single meaning can be drawn from the question. Simple language and limited use of technical terms make the research even simpler. The clarity of question enables the researcher to gather more information as all the information gathered relevant. A specific concern about the topic is a firm foundation to formulating a good question. Too broad questions are not easily answerable. Specific questions make better research problems(Iannone, 2012). There is always too much to be said making the research not as extensive as it should have been. There will be simply less to be researched on as the individual has a lot to say about the overall dimension. Dealing with a portion at a time makes the research more meaningful. The question should be directly related to the topic. Astray questions often lead to irrelevance in research(Dolnicar, 2013). The study will be more significant if it is a continuation to knowledge that already exists. This helps to sustain the interest in the study and create interest in exploring even more about the given topic. Research is normally intended to build upon already existing knowledge. Adequate knowledge on the question is crucial for a great research question. One should make sure that they have enough expertise to handle the research question. The sources of the information required need to be available to provide the required information. Research projects often require funding to conduct. Before the formulation of the question, one should estimate the required finances and avail them in time. Adequate time to meet all the tasks outlined by the question is vital. However, knowledge from other sources has to be sought. Personal interest is another consideration in the formulation of a research question. Selecting an area of great interest sustains the required motivation in the research and enables the provision of sufficient detail. The interest acts as an incentive constantly gearing the effort to complete the research. Decide what you need to know and acquire the information. This encourages the commitment towards the project. Conclusion The application of the tips discussed above makes it easier to formulate a research question and fully assess the question to provide the required information and data. This helps to meet the criteria of a good research making it successful. Good research questions make research a more captivating activity. References Clarke, M. (2014). The Archaeology of the Book: Formulating Analytical Research Questions. E-Conservation Journal, 10-16. Dolnicar, S. (2013). Asking Good Survey Questions. Journal of Travel Research, 551-574. Iannone, C. (2012). A Good Question? Academic Questions , 430-442. Shah, N. (2012). How to Formulate a Clinical Question and Effectively Search for the Answer.MedEdPORTAL Publications , 5-6.
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