Thursday, September 3, 2020
Post-Compulsory Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Post-Compulsory Education - Essay Example It was the accentuation upon further training giving a readiness to occupations which supported the new vocationalism of the 1980s. In any case, in later years, the arrangement of a 'professional instruction' has come to be perceived as a more mind boggling matter than that of basically preparing understudies in work explicit aptitudes. While it is consistent with state that General, Liberal and Social Studies limbs to post - war professional courses were an endeavor to give understudies a more extensive instructive base to their investigations, it was the BTEC educational plan presented from the mid 1980s which made the primary noteworthy strides towards a groundwork for work inside a more extensive idea of professional training. The improvement of TVEI as an upgrade educational plan, of conventional and center aptitudes, and of secluded course structures, for example, GNVQ can be viewed as additional proof of some broad move towards a more extensive, re-centered vocationalism. The explanations for these movements are themselves fascinating and result from investigations of the changing needs of the economy, the work advertise and, specifically, the idea of work. Post - Fordist and different examinations of current and imminent changes in Western social orders have focused on a prerequisite for some type of 'adaptable' information specialist inside shared, hightrust, high-expertise, work relations (Brown and Lauder, 1991) and it is with a few, but hurried and shallow, energy about these necessities that educational plan advancement has been invigorated. I state hurried and shallow in light of the fact that, a serious extent of vulnerability despite everything encompasses the degree of, the bearings of, and the full ramifications of the improvements foreseen in the post - Fordist examination. In fact, proof of the foreseen compliment, less fatty, chains of command isn't in extraordinary plenitude, in any event in Britain. Additionally, the surface highlights of post - Fordism are to a great extent indistinct from those of the 'venture culture' and, where educational program advancements don't address essential contrasts between the two, their uncertain inconsistencies are conveyed forward into course arranging. 'Understudy focused learning', 'self-rule', 'qualification', 'strengthening', 'majority rule government' and 'citizenship', which figure unmistakably in ongoing educational plan advancements, are instances of ideas in famous use in post-necessary instruction whose explanatory worth is their capacity to legitimize and urge basic consent to educational program developments however whose increasingly evil capacity is to cloud the requirement for basic assessment of those developments (Avis, 1993:13-14). Regardless, huge numbers of the changes to have occurred in post-necessary instruction since the mid 1990s, in spite of the risky idea of their fundamental proof and rationale, mirror an unmistakable and obvious endeavor to move from a barely engaged 'groundwork for progress in the direction of' some thought of groundwork 'forever', 'for citizenship', 'for multi-gifted work' and 'for communitarian work connections'. While the impacts of such moves are generally clear in full-time professional courses, and somewhat in A-level projects, they have gotten practically zero acknowledgment in NVQ levels 1, 2 and 3. Thusly, the once away from of professional instruction has gotten bifurcated into 'professional instruction' situated in some more extensive ideas of business and planning and 'word related preparing' whose essential concern is to furnish students with abilities for occupations. We can say that
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Occupational Therapy Essays - Computer Keyboards, Keyboard Layout
Word related Therapy Essays - Computer Keyboards, Keyboard Layout Word related Therapy We are a gathering of word related specialists and another customer has gone to our office with the accompanying case history: Wear is a multi year-old novice writer. He has a few of his sonnets distributed in the neighborhood paper yet has not yet been acknowledged by any scholarly diaries. A quarter of a year back, Don had a cerebellar cerebrovascular mishap that has given him huge fine engine control restrictions. He can't hold a pencil or a pen, and when one is taped in his grasp, he can not create conspicuous printing. He can arrive at a scope of about 5 feet from side to side however can't get a 1-inch block from the table. When requested to utilize a console, he is as prone to strike two keys from the objective as the key he is focusing on. He can put his finger dependably into a square that is 2 crawls on a side any place it is situated inside his scope. He can't precisely put his finger into a square that is 1.5 creeps on a side, in any case, except if it is found straightforwardly before him (Anson, 1997, p. 104). Wear is disappointed by his condition and needs some help to proceed with his composition. We utilized the choice tree to assess which PC adjustment would be best for Don. We established that Don has physical confinements to the PC yet has full scope of the console. Because of his difficulty focusing on explicit keys, it would be progressively hard to at the same time press more than one key immediately. The customer has visit unintentional keystrokes due to the size of the little keys. His powerlessness to strike a solitary key on request drove us to extended scope of movement. Having surveyed that Don could strike bigger keys precisely; we arrived at the option of extended consoles. After inquiring about extended consoles, we found an incredible assortment in what every console advertised. The 32 key design with 2.5-inch keys didn't give a satisfactory choice to Dons composing needs. A large portion of the standard extended consoles with 128 keys just have 1.5-inch keys. A few models are Key Largo and Unicorn Expanded consoles. Key Largo is an extended console, which works through Discover KENX. It is helpful for one with coordination issues. Unicorn Expanded console set up the standard 128 key extended console plan. We had the chance (in A.T. lab) to attempt to think about the distinctive extended consoles. We valued that a customer with trouble arriving at little keys would discover these consoles increasingly useful. All consoles require an encoder, which deciphers the key. At the point when squeezed it changes over it to a console code, that the PC could comprehend. A few PCs accompany an implicit encoder and some without. These consoles with encoders can be associated legitimately to the console port of the PC. In this way no inward adjustment is required for the PC and it doesnt meddle with any product in the PC. This is helpful on the grounds that it very well may be utilized with any working framework and programming the customer may require. A weakness to this is the console codes are not promptly versatile. This implies the console design is fixed and cant be changed by the clinician. Another thought is that this console can not be associated at the same time with the standard console. Since stopping and unplugging the console isn't suggested, this alternative is more qualified for a customer who might be the sole client of the PC. Extended consoles that don't have the worked in encoder, require an outside gadget that would decipher the codes to the PC. In spite of the fact that this console has the detriment of an outer gadget, it offers adaptability in the console format and takes into consideration different overlays that change the design. A case of the last is the Key Largo console referenced previously. The issue with 1.5-inch keys is the customers powerlessness to precisely arrive at a key of that size except if the console is situated directly before him. A choice is position the customer before the PC with the console mounted close enough for him to get to. In spite of the fact that this option was a chance we wanted to discover
Friday, August 21, 2020
Defending A Mans Honor :: essays research papers
Shielding a Man’s Honor      The fundamental male characters in Shakespeare’s play Othello slaughter their spouses so as to protect their own respect. In the period setting of the play, to show respect, ladies are relied upon to be docile to their spouses. The characters Iago and Othello mirror this mentality toward their particular spouses, giving them motivation to feel just in slaughtering these ladies. Iago murders Emilia since she shames him by uncovering his control of Othello and Cassio. Othello chokes Desdemona due to envisioned disloyalty, which makes him resemble a dolt. The two men have various thoughts of respect, see their own good status in an unexpected way, have various associations with their spouses, and various sentiments of regret. Eventually the two of them execute their spouses to protect their own respect. Pleased, honorable, and courageous warrior Othello is very much regarded and his military abilities and experiences are broadly known. He is alluring, enchanting, independent and all around voyaged. These character attributes made Desdemona become hopelessly enamored with him, and by these, he quantifies his decency. His estimates his self-esteem by the manner in which he is seen by others. That is the primary motivation behind why he sees Desdemona’s asserted unfaithfulness as destroying his respect. It makes him appear as though a simpleton and he feels that he has been exploited in light of the fact that he is incautious and new to the underhanded sexual acts of Venice ladies. Othello is likewise extremely trusting. Obviously, the inquiry is the reason he trusts Iago and questions his significant other. He accepts â€Å"honest Iago†without question since Iago had served in the military with him and is for the most part respected by all to be a fair man. The sentiments of being an outcast and uncertain in his economic wellbeing are Othello’s character imperfections and Iago to exploits these Achilles recuperates. For Iago, misleading, controlling, and killing are natural. It doesn’t happen to him that he will be gotten and he doesn’t have any inner voice about what he has done. These attributes show that Iago is self-ingested and out for himself. He is additionally voracious and envious and plots to make everybody around him miserable, while looking for position and respect. High position and respect begins his contempt of Othello. Iago considers Othello to be being underneath him as a result of his race, however having all the brilliance and respect that he pines for. The last bit of trouble that will be tolerated, Cassio being made lieutenant over him, makes him make a move and plot his vengeance. Protecting A Mans Honor :: articles inquire about papers Protecting a Man’s Honor      The primary male characters in Shakespeare’s play Othello murder their spouses so as to shield their own respect. In the period setting of the play, to show respect, ladies are relied upon to be docile to their spouses. The characters Iago and Othello mirror this disposition toward their particular spouses, giving them motivation to feel just in murdering these ladies. Iago slaughters Emilia since she shames him by uncovering his control of Othello and Cassio. Othello chokes Desdemona due to envisioned unfaithfulness, which makes him resemble a blockhead. The two men have various thoughts of respect, see their own fair status in an unexpected way, have various associations with their spouses, and various sentiments of regret. Eventually the two of them slaughter their spouses to shield their own respect. Pleased, honorable, and daring warrior Othello is very much regarded and his military aptitudes and experiences are generally known. He is magnetic, beguiling, confident and very much voyaged. These character attributes made Desdemona go gaga for him, and by these, he quantifies his noteworthiness. His estimates his self-esteem by the manner in which he is seen by others. That is the primary motivation behind why he sees Desdemona’s claimed treachery as destroying his respect. It makes him seem as though a bonehead and he feels that he has been exploited in light of the fact that he is imprudent and new to the underhanded sexual acts of Venice ladies. Othello is additionally trusting. Obviously, the inquiry is the reason he trusts Iago and questions his better half. He accepts â€Å"honest Iago†without question since Iago had served in the military with him and is by and large respected by all to be a legit man. The sentiments of being an outcast and unreliable in his societal position are Othello’s character blemishes and Iago to exploits these Achilles mends. For Iago, misdirection, controlling, and killing are natural. It doesn’t happen to him that he will be gotten and he doesn’t have any inner voice about what he has done. These attributes show that Iago is self-consumed and out for himself. He is likewise avaricious and envious and plots to make everybody around him troubled, while looking for position and respect. High position and respect begins his scorn of Othello. Iago considers Othello to be being underneath him due to his race, yet having all the magnificence and respect that he wants. The straw that broke the camel's back, Cassio being made lieutenant over him, makes him make a move and plot his retribution.
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Working Women in the Progressive Era - Free Essay Example
At the start of the Progressive Era around the 1890s there is a jump in the number of working women and as the centuries change into the 20th, the number rapidly increases. With the help of documents and primary sources, a first hand experience is able to be shown and womens voices are able to be heard. The growth in working women can be seen through their experiences on the types of jobs they had, what is was like for them especially being female, and how they felt about their place in society and their response. Women of the early 20th century were not all housewives. Many had jobs and became apart of the working class America. In the 1900s, 25% of women worked for wages; hard work, long hours and poor working conditions (Lecture, Wage Labor, 9/12/18). Women worked in textile/garment factories, bottling plants, and many other low pay jobs accessible within walking distance. The conditions of these places were far from a safe environment but the money was a necessity. Women were sexually assaulted, injured and mistreated by their foremen. Factory jobs were not the only jobs women had. They also worked as educators, settlement workers and even prostitutes. Prostitution was a dangerous profession. Reasons for it include: Low wage labor pay, Man abandoned family and temporary work (Lecture, Prostitution, 9/14/18). While many women went to school to become teachers or worked in factories, some were involved in prostitution as a form of income. This was very dangerous as many risks such as STDs, p regnancies and even abusive men all were a problem in the industry. Contraceptives were not easily obtainable and the prevention of diseases were weak. Some women had to choose this to be able to provide for their family. These issues were faced daily and women had no choice but to push through with it until many decided it was time for change. This led to reform for better working conditions and improvement in quality of life. In a report from The International Council of Women, Leonora Barry states, I have instituted what is known as the Working Womens National Beneficial fund. It gives protection to every woman,for it is the duty, the aim, and the object of the Knights of Labor to elevate woman, no matter what her nationality, her creed, her color, or her position in life (Boylan, Barry, 1888, p. 108). The Knights of Labor was formed to combat the hardships working class women and men had to face and they spread awareness of the issue inequality and helped improve the work environment. Women had lower wages for the same job as compared to men. They were also treated like dirt and even prostituted themselves to their foremen for better pay. The Knights of Labor was putting an end to that to ensure the safety and equality of women and men. In a 1906 speech from Emma Goldman, she states As to the great mass of working girls and women, how much independence is gained if the narrowness and lack of freedom of the home is exchanged for the narrowness and lack of freedom of the factory, sweatshop, department store, or office? (Boylan, Goldman, 1906, p. 127). Goldman is advocating for womans emancipation and freedom by explaining how it is hard to achieve that when women are working long hours at their jobs then come home to care for the house and family. She is speaking out against the working conditions and pushes for equality and suffrage. Emma Goldman along with many other women are demanding reform in the work environment and the social restraints outside of the workplace. Women in the late 1800s and early 1900s were starting to get into the working class and as the Progressive Era started in motion, a growth in working women was increasing. Their experience in the many jobs they had including factory work, teaching, and even prostitution are documented and shows their working conditions, how they were treated being female, and how they acted in response to the inequality they faced at the turn of the century.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Factors That Affect Children With Learning Disabilities Essay
In the last two decades, doctors and psychologists have gained the ability to diagnose specific disorders in children due to advancements in research studies and technology. One of the major classification of disorders that affect children in middle childhood are learning disabilities. Learning disabilities are a group of disorders characterized by inadequate development of specific academic, language, and speech skills. Speech disorders, Physical disabilities, and Social and Emotional disorders are all types of disorders that can affect and disrupt a child’s ability to learn and acquire new knowledge and skills. A child is considered to have a learning disability when they perform below the expected level of intelligence for their age and there is no evidence of other mental or physical handicaps, such as vision or hearing problems, intellectual disability, or socioeconomic disadvantage. Children with learning disabilities can all exhibit different types of symptoms and reper cussions such as problems with math, reading, and writing, articulating speech and understanding spoken language, and motor coordination. For most kids with learning disabilities, these problems can last through adulthood. Fortunately, with early recognition and proper treatment, many individuals can learn and acquire the tools and knowledge to overcome or compensate for their disability. Two of the most common learning disabilities in middle childhood that affect the child inside and outside of theShow MoreRelatedAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )897 Words  | 4 Pagescommon learning disability in kids today. It is not a new disorder but it is a disorder that is more and more kids are being diagnosed with, as well as misdiagnosed with. Researchers are still trying to find the cause of ADHD and the best treatment for with kids with this learning disability. Being diagnosed with ADHD can hinder a child’s learning and even their progression in school if not c aught at an early age. According to National Center for Learning Disabilities article â€Å"How ADHD Affects Learning†Read MoreExplain the Reasons Why Children and Young Peoples Development May Not Follow the Expected Pattern1058 Words  | 5 PagesExplain the reasons why children and young peoples development may not follow the expected pattern Q: Explain the reasons why children and young people’s development may not follow the expected pattern. The child: There are many factors that influence a child/young persons development such as health issues, personal characteristics, motivation to learn, behaviour, sensory impairment, disability and learning difficulties. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Thoughts And You Change Your World - 1500 Words
Change your thoughts and you change your world (Norman Vincent Peale). We live in a society which is constantly changing with new ideas, new technology and new beliefs. Some of them are good and provides the opportunity for others to grow and expand their well being to further grow as people. Well on the flip side of that we find that many people are self-interested and just want to expand on their personal growth and not help others along the way to help the society grow as a whole. The world we live in is definitely far from perfect with difficult and unfortunate realities that exist all around us. Now there is no way we can fix every single problem that is in this world because with fixing a problem other mistakes occur and people as a society might not always agree with you. People are not perfect and it reflects in this world. But two issues i would like to fix in this world is racial discrimination and illiteracy. With a hispanic background both of these issues hit home for me because i have experienced them both first hand. All human beings are born equal. Throughout history we see that many races and cultures have been discriminated against and it is unfair! No human being has the right to tell another what they have to belief and just because they look different or have a different color of skin does not mean they are so different. Examples of times when outrageous crimes like this happened is during World War two when hitler tried to exterminate the JewishShow MoreRelatedDetermine the World for Yourself1645 Words  | 7 Pages I believe what Thayer means when he states this is that explanations from others is a trap, because no one should determine the world for you. It is up to you to find the answers. For example, in today’s generation the media does a lot of thinking for people. It is consuming much of what is out there for people to believe. From how we act, to the way we think, dress, or even the way we talk. We don’t understand much because we let other do the thinking for us. In order to understand others we firstRead MoreEssay On If You Could Change One Thing About Myself712 Words  | 3 PagesIf You Could Change One Thing About Your Self Well if I can change one thing about myself it would be my personality. I know what your wondering why your personality. Im a beautiful and intelligent young lady why personality. Well let me tell you why I want to change my personality. I want to change it because Im too nice. Ill really give you my all. Ill give you my very last. Im the type of person you can count on. Ill be there whenever you need me. Ill comfort you. Ill care, take careRead MoreWhy Do We Doubt Who We Are?1372 Words  | 6 PagesWhy Do We Doubt Who We Are? My world is filled with doubt and trying to figure out who I am. Descartes also doubted who he was and everything he knew and thought. He thought in order to really figure out the truth you have to forget everything that you have known and start fresh. That is not always easy to do since we are taught at an early age the way life should be and it shapes the way we view the world. How do you fully know the truth? What I see may not be what you see so therefore how do I knowRead MoreSociology : Social Relationship, Development And Function Of Human Society986 Words  | 4 Pagescourse of sociology you can lean many things about your society and even your self. Sociology will change the way you look at life and might be able to reflect on future designs or ideas. When enrolling in sociology you will be able to have a set of skills to see sociology, have the knowledge of sociology, and have values of sociology. By having skills, knowledge, and values you will be able understand the w orld and see how many social problems people have all over. 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In order to fully utilize this law and, thus create the life you want, you need to be very careful about where you are placing your attention. You need to be aware that all the negative or positive thoughts you are having are creative. The LawRead MoreThe Secrets Of Success Topic1173 Words  | 5 PagesWould you agree? I believe that money is matter not just pieces of paper or coins. Since it is physical matter, it should be handled according to principles of physics. In physics, there s a law which states that any force in the universe has an equal and opposite counterpart. If an object is applied forces of equal magnitude from opposite directions, the object remains still. On the other hand, if one force is larger than the other, the object moves. Remember that money is matter. If you have aRead MoreMy True Self Reflection : Carl Jung, The Famous Swiss Psychologist1141 Words  | 5 Pagesgoes. You do not have to accept it and you do not need to beat yourself or others up over it. Allow the voice of your true Self to come through, and you will create a positive change. Your true Self uses thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, and intuition as pathways of communication. Beliefs imposed upon us by others, along with suppressed emotions, create interference. Like static on the radio, this interference distorts, edits, and dampens our voice within. Any attempt to create change inRead MoreEssay About Names1141 Words  | 5 Pages7 billion people in the world and it continues to grow everyday. Yet, as more people are being born, more people things you have in common with them. What’s that you might ask? Well it’s simple, and kind of obvious. We all have a name. But here’s what’s kind of special about it. You probably share your name with someone else in the world, or if you are one of those people whose parents just blatantly made up your name, well this doesn’t do anything for you. 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Formulation of Good Research Questions
Question: Discuss about the Formulation of Good Research Questions. Answer: Introduction Formulation of a research question forms the basis of any given research project. It makes the researcher well conversant with the tasks to be carried out to come up with accurate and reliable results. The research question ought to be manageable within the contemporary situation(Shah, 2012). An analysis of the research question should be precise enough to outline the requirements for the research. Knowledge of the resources and personnel required is crucial. There is no predefined procedure on how to come up with precise research questions but some scholars have proposed some guidelines to such. Such tips include clarity, specificity, relevance, expertise and interest. The question should be clear, brief and free from ambiguity(Clarke, 2014). This is to ensure that the others can understand the kind of the research. Questions that tend to be too personal may keep off the participants in fear of their intimacy being interfered with. Verbosity should be avoided so that only a single meaning can be drawn from the question. Simple language and limited use of technical terms make the research even simpler. The clarity of question enables the researcher to gather more information as all the information gathered relevant. A specific concern about the topic is a firm foundation to formulating a good question. Too broad questions are not easily answerable. Specific questions make better research problems(Iannone, 2012). There is always too much to be said making the research not as extensive as it should have been. There will be simply less to be researched on as the individual has a lot to say about the overall dimension. Dealing with a portion at a time makes the research more meaningful. The question should be directly related to the topic. Astray questions often lead to irrelevance in research(Dolnicar, 2013). The study will be more significant if it is a continuation to knowledge that already exists. This helps to sustain the interest in the study and create interest in exploring even more about the given topic. Research is normally intended to build upon already existing knowledge. Adequate knowledge on the question is crucial for a great research question. One should make sure that they have enough expertise to handle the research question. The sources of the information required need to be available to provide the required information. Research projects often require funding to conduct. Before the formulation of the question, one should estimate the required finances and avail them in time. Adequate time to meet all the tasks outlined by the question is vital. However, knowledge from other sources has to be sought. Personal interest is another consideration in the formulation of a research question. Selecting an area of great interest sustains the required motivation in the research and enables the provision of sufficient detail. The interest acts as an incentive constantly gearing the effort to complete the research. Decide what you need to know and acquire the information. This encourages the commitment towards the project. Conclusion The application of the tips discussed above makes it easier to formulate a research question and fully assess the question to provide the required information and data. This helps to meet the criteria of a good research making it successful. Good research questions make research a more captivating activity. References Clarke, M. (2014). The Archaeology of the Book: Formulating Analytical Research Questions. E-Conservation Journal, 10-16. Dolnicar, S. (2013). Asking Good Survey Questions. Journal of Travel Research, 551-574. Iannone, C. (2012). A Good Question? Academic Questions , 430-442. Shah, N. (2012). How to Formulate a Clinical Question and Effectively Search for the Answer.MedEdPORTAL Publications , 5-6.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
You Will Be Hearing from Us Shortly Essay Example
You Will Be Hearing from Us Shortly Essay You Will Be Hearing From Us Shortly U. A. Fanthorpe U. A Fanthorpe was born in Kent in 1929. After boarding school in Surrey, she read English and became a teacher. She taught for 16 years until she began writing poetry in 1974. Her first volume, Side Effects, was published by Peterloo Poets in 1978. â€Å"You Will Be Hearing From Us Shortly†, is a poem that conjures up an image of a malign interviewer looking down in disgust at the unfortunate interviewee. It is a pessimistic experience for the candidate. The poet discusses prejudice and discrimination through the use of tone and language. The poem uses the voice of the interviewer to convey the prejudice. This poem begins in a realistic way but becomes surreal. The title of the poem clearly puts the readers into the context of an interview. These are the words resounding in the ears of unemployed people who seek suitable employment. The employer is always in the superior position from where he looks down upon the job-seekers. Though the words ‘You Will Be Hearing From Us Shortly’ sound very polite, they are loaded with prejudice. From the first line in the poem, You feel adequate to the demands of this decision? until the last line, the speaker uses sophisticated language which implies that the interviewer is well educated. But the language is used in such a way that it sounds very snobbish and rude and this sets the tone for the poem. The interviewee seems to be intimidated and feels insignificant for what he/she is. The interviewer is in command of the situation and controls through his use of sarcasm and rhetorical questions. In verse one, the use of the word ‘adequate’ already gives us the feeling that the interviewer thinks that the applicant is not fit to the position that is sought. We will write a custom essay sample on You Will Be Hearing from Us Shortly specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on You Will Be Hearing from Us Shortly specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on You Will Be Hearing from Us Shortly specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The next question about the ‘qualities’ the interviewer seeks from the candidate gives an impression of the candidate as a failure and useless at everything. We can perceive that the interviewer already has negative thoughts about the interviewee, but at this moment, the prejudice is more subtle than at the end of the poem. Though the applicant is a qualified person, the questioner makes it irrelevant by stating that the qualifications do not satisfy the requirement they are looking for. The reader is inclined to think and wonder why they call candidates who do not have the required qualifications. The level of prejudice increases as the person in authority comments about the age and looks of the interviewee. Whether the common people are disturbed or not, the attitude of the interviewer is quite disturbing. He causes further damage to the candidate by breaking the boundaries of social conduct. He asks inappropriate questions regarding the accent, education and the family details. The height of prejudice and misuse of power comes out when the very existence of the interviewee is questioned. The poem is written in short stanzas followed by a single line, most often by one word; ‘Ah’, ‘Indeed’ etc. this suggests that a conversation has taken place. The language of the speaker is formal and standard English which intimidate the candidate. Lines of varying length are used in order to suit the mood of the speaker, which is controlling and demanding. The use of complex sentences and the first person plural (‘we’) gives the speaker of this poem an air of authority. Though the responses of the interviewee are not recorded, it is quite understandable what the candidate would have said in reply to the queries made by the interviewer. The alliteration in the words, ‘dubious desire’, domestic disasters’ gives us the clue the extent of degradation the applicant faces. The use of second person pronoun ‘You’ is markedly authorial and its tone is highly dispassionate. First person plural ‘we’ gives the interviewer authority and power. The speaker’s short statements such as, ‘and your accent,’ and sealed questions, ‘that is the way you have always spoken, is it? represents his ominous rule over the innocent, unlucky interviewee, It leaves the applicant no room or space to argue that there is nothing wrong with his/her accent. Together with the interviewee, the readers sense a feeling of uneasiness at the way the whole interview had proceeded. As we feel pity for the applicant, our mind rebels against the prejudiced interviewer. Every one is sure what it means, when the candidate gets the final statement, â€Å"you will be hearing from us shortly†. The answer is not going to be positive.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Winston Churchill essays
Winston Churchill essays Perhaps one of the most colorful and intelligent figures of his day, Winston Churchill was a master negotiator and superb leader. Drawing from his vast experience and wit, he successfully led Great Britain through many troubled times and hardships. His skill as a leader was unsurpassed and was only out done by his wry sense of humor. Winston Churchills exploits will forever be a part of history as he truly was one of the greatest leaders of his time. Winston Churchill was born on the 30th of November in 1874 and was the eldest son of aristocrat Lord Randolph Churchill. He graduated from the Royal Military College in 1895 and was soon commissioned as an officer in the Fourth Hussars. While acting as a war correspondent during the Boers War, he was captured by the enemy and held in less the humane conditions as a prisoner of war. He later escaped his captors and was recognized as a national hero upon his return to Great Britain. This newfound fame and heroism led him to the public spotlight and into what was to eventually become a historical political career. Shortly after his triumphant return, Winston Churchill was elected as a member of the Conservative Party. Later, in 1904, he was elected as president of the Board of Trade. Stepping through several other positions of power, he eventually became the Lord of the Admiralty. Unfortunately, after an unsuccessful campaign, he was forced to resign. Thus began a period of learning and self-reflection that eventually led into his transition as a great leader. In 1917, Churchills political career again flourished as he was elected the Minister of Munition and was a member of the coalition party until it collapsed in 1922. After several ups and downs in his political career, Churchill became the Prime Minister in 1940 as Nazi Germany and Hitler were knocking on Great Britains doorstep. Through his expert leadership and negotiations, he won the support of the Unit...
Friday, February 28, 2020
Incentive program to reduce waste Research Proposal
Incentive program to reduce waste - Research Proposal Example inventive and dynamic incentive system in the forklift operational management needs to be designed to dramatically cut down accidents and risks to the barest minimum. This is a proposal for incentive program to reduce waste by forklift operators during shipping of goods. First the proposal would identify the kind of forklift operations that need incentive programs during movements. Next, it would recommend the kinds of incentive programs that could be conveniently implemented From a review of the company’s accident statistics, it is observed that the rate of losses due to forklift accidents are very high, sometimes average around 4-5 accidents per month. These accidents may occur due to mishandling of forklifts, improper or inadequate training to forklift operators or even due to negligent or careless supervision. The management needs to take firm and concrete steps not only in order to reduce and even eliminate the risks of heavy losses of materials due to forklift operations but also risk of personal injury to forklift operators or other stores personnel There is always the risk due to mishandling of goods while handling. This could be due to judgement errors of the forklift operator or if his view is blocked due to cartons in front of him, or if the pellets on which the materials are mounted are defective or broken. Lack of proper training, judgemental error or mechanical or electrical fault, or malfunctioning of the forklift could also lead to wastages, accidents and losses, determinate or indeterminate. In the event the forklift overturns while in operation, this could cause serious damages or even loss of life or limbs. Besides, there needs to be some self induced or regulatory measures by which such damages or losses could be sustained. The incentive programme is not a substitute for safety but to inculcate a sense of collective responsibility for denial of accidents or property damages. The damages may not be of the company’s items alone but could
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Outline the key features of a sports development strategy, and discuss Essay
Outline the key features of a sports development strategy, and discuss the relevance that this has to contemporary sports management - Essay Example It is also a roadmap to good health. It resists diseases and helps to improve the quality of life. The economy of most of the countries depends upon the sports (Girginov, 2008). In the past decade there has been an enormous evolution in the sports. The health and fitness sector has expanded itself to meet the demand of athletes and sportsmen. Employment in this sector has been increased due to the increased professionalism of the National Governing Bodies and huge investments by different organizations. As this industry has groomed itself, the need of qualified and educated mangers has increased. Because they could better understand the sports market and cater its needs and could apply their professional knowledge in an organized way. Thousands of schools and colleges have been established to cater the needs of the sports sector (Trenberth & Hassan, 2011). The management has been turned into sophistication and it is constantly evolving. Due to the global nature of the sports it has to deal with all kind of socio-economic barriers. Certain issues like gender relation, social responsibility and violence are to be really addressed. These are some of the challenges which the sports managers of today are facing (Hassan & Lusted, 2013). Sports management are the set of skills relating planning organizing, Leading, controlling and budgeting for an organization whose main responsibility is to cater the services in the sports. The sports industry has been segmented into three main categories. First one is the Sports Performance. It includes the activation and participation of the people related to the sports industry and its stakeholders. Second segment is Sports Production which is related to its products and influence on the products. The third division of the sports industry is the Sports Promotion which is the core of Sports Event Management. Different promo tools are used to promote the sports event and make it familiarize
Friday, January 31, 2020
Who is a boss Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Who is a boss - Essay Example Bosses all around the world tend to possess some managerial and leadership qualities which is the key to their success and also empowerment. When an employee is hired in any organization, he or she usually work day and night to fulfill the agenda set for him by his or her own boss. The most diligent and trustworthy employees are then selected by the senior members of that organization to become the future boss themselves. For instance, a person employed in finance department if works hard and puts the extra mileage, can further become the boss of his or her own department in the future. Every boss does have extraordinary talents associated with him or her and so does my boss has as well as restraints. My boss is a proactive man. He possesses some unique talents which inspire the members of the organization. His basic and foremost trait which is the key success factor of this firm is that he knows exactly how to make people work. A manager is a person who knows how to get work done wi th and through other people. He is excellent at it. He builds in the employee’s the spirit of working as team members and make them work together. He is very good at motivating people and bringing their inner talent out. He finds the good qualities of each employee under him and subsequently assists him or her in integrating those qualities for the betterment of the company. He sometimes acts as a democratic leader who takes into consideration all the input needed from his employees before making a decision. He calls on meetings of all the employees who are facing trouble at work as they aren’t able to work together. He listens to all of them and configures things up. He is very good at fixing problems by just having a glance on it and promotes team work as an essential element of success. He carries a practical approach towards everything. He is very realistic about the marketing trends and does not merely rely on past performance or future forecasts. He takes into ac count the present market condition and forms his decision on the basis of past, present, and future elements. Whenever a new project comes up, he first of all evaluates it himself, and then he choose the employees by himself who he think will be capable of handling the situation considering their past records. He is an extrovert who will not only work on this part of the job at one time, but keeps a keen eye on all the employees as well. He not only guides and motivates his employees, but also monitors them for their overall performance. He observes all the workers at work without even letting them know that. He is sometimes seen to be practicing a paternalistic leadership style where he would listen to feedbacks of all his workers but takes the final decision by himself. He does consider all the pros and cons of every opinion being presented but chooses the one he thinks is right by himself. Choosing the right staff for a particular project has led to redundancies. He always abridg e the number of employees whenever a new project comes up and this has led to frequent redundancies in the organization; and thus dissatisfaction among the members of staff. When a novel project comes up, he selects the team which he believes is perfect for carrying out such a task. If he figures out that some staff members have not been counted on for projects since a long time, he makes them redundant. Obviously, job security is threatened by this behavior and employees live in an environment of fear where they can easily be kicked out any day without any compensation what so ever. This behavior of the boss has led to negative opinion about him within the firm and many workers are not happy with him. Employees at work are under pressure of being thrown out of the job
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Oliver Twist Essay -- essays research papers
Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist, in 1883, to show the reader things as they really are. He felt that the novel should be a message of social reform. One of its purposes was to promote reform of the abuses in workhouses. In no way does Dickens create a dream world. His imagination puts together a bad place during a bad time; an English workhouse just after the Poor Law Act of 1834 (Scott-Kilvert, 48). In the first chapter of Oliver Twist, Dickens moves from comedy to pathos and from pathos to satire. He takes us from the drunken old woman to the dying mother to the hardened doctor. Such rapid switches help in all the later novels to hold together disparate effects, to provide variety and unity, and to give that double opportunity for comedy and pathos that Dickens admired in stage melodrama (Scott-Kilvert, 47). In this first chapter, Dickens also captures life and death in a single sentence, "Let me see the child, and die." (Dickens, 2). This sums up the mother's will to see the newborn baby, and takes a short stride from birth to death. Dickens seems to create his characters to open the reader's eye's to the true characteristics of their nature. One of his subjects are conditioned human nature and the relationship of the individual to his environment (Scott-Kilvert, 47-48). In Oliver Twist, Dickens attempts to free his characters of any influence of their environment. He muddles the message of the novel by making Oliver immune to an environment which is denounced as necessarily corrupting (Price, 86). Dickens created Oliver's character to be virtuous and innocent. He put many stressed tests on him in the course of the book. Dickens comes close to endangering Oliver's idealized virtue, though; in the great temptation scene in Chapter 18 (Scott-Kilvert, 49). This is where the child is being carefully brainwashed, first cunningly cold-shouldered and isolated, then cunningly brought in the deadly warmth of the thieves' family circle (Scott-Kilvert, 49). Oliver was but too glad to make himself useful; too happy to have some faces, however bad, to look upon; too desirous to conciliate those about him when he could honestly do so; to throw any objection in the way of this proposal. So he at once expressed his readiness; and, kneeling on the floor, while Dodger sat upon the table so that he could take his foot in his lap, he applied himself to... ...uous are prosecuted by the rich and corrupt (Gerould, 287). The motive force of melodrama is the villain. The dynamic and sinister figure recognized by the audience as the embodiment of evil (Gerould, 287). The result is usually a happy one for the sympathetic character, resulting in just rewards and punishments and affirming the laws of morality and the benevolent wakings of providence (Gerould, 287). This is so true of the literary work of art of Oliver Twist. Dickens allowed virtue and good prevail over crime and evil. This book was clearly made to show the reality of the world. Dickens does not create a dream world that captures the optimism of readers. He is truly showing things as they really are; how hte world really is. He carefully planned his setting and his description of places so theat he could capture every detail of the hard life. As Martin Price put it in Dickens, "Oliver Twist is not a satisfying novel-it does not liberate us" (Price, 84-385). Dickens' purpose was to spark a sense of rage through peoples hearts towards the English workhouses. He was promoting reform by getting the people "involved" in the melodramatic novel of Oliver Twist.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Delay and Time Essay
Time never returns and its wise, judicious, useful utilization brings rich dividends to a person. For example, careful utilization of time on studies in young age rewards anyone with a good post afterwards and ensures a plentiful, Prosperous livelihood for the rest of life. Likewise, careful use time in youth helps a man make a prestigious place for himself in society. It earns him name, fame as well as Prosperity. But the tragedy is that many of us have absolutely no idea of the value of time in life. We perform our jobs in a haphazard way, miss appointments with ease and arrive late for any appointment, however important it may be. It is too hate for us to learn, much to our grief that time and tide wait for no man. Due respect for time rewards us with wealth as well as success. When a work is delayed, the time which could have been profitably used is wasted. Time lost is lost forever. There is no dearth of people in this world who complain that they have never had any luck and so have remained poor. But the reality, however, is that many cases of poverty are on account of the wasted opportunities and deferred tasks. Don’t forget that quite often we have to pay a very heavy price for delaying things. The person who prolongs taking insurance of his house usually regrets his folly, when the house is gutted by a sudden fire. Delay in the treatment of a disease may lead to its worsening and may, finally, even result in death. The student, who goes on postponing studies, never gets time to prepare for the examination and does very badly at the end. He remains under great mental strain and may even get confused in the examination hall at the time of writing his answers. A timely action in any direction, whatsoever, is a guarantee for success and perfection. This is why the wise often say ‘A stitch in time saves nine.’ There are a number of other proverbs conveying almost the same meaning. Thus we say : â€Å"Make hay while the sun shines; strike while the iron is hot; time and tide wait for none ; and â€Å"never put off till tomorrow, what you can do today.†But at the same time, we also have a few proverbs which contradict these proverbs. We say: â€Å"Haste makes waste; more haste, less speed; look before you leap†and â€Å"slow and steady wins the race.†But all these contradictory pieces of advice say only to be judicious and thoughtful. None of them asks you to waste an opportunity. In our limited period of short life, we have lots of things to do and hence the urgent need of managing our time properly and make the best use of each and every moment at our disposal. We shall be saved from regret, stress, tension and humiliation and will be able to make all-round progress, only if we understand properly how dangerous delay is and how important and precious time is!
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Community Service And Criminal Justice - 1313 Words
For the summer between my sophomore and junior year of undergrad at the University of South Carolina, I was accepted into the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program. The program was my first introduction into the world of academic research and created a strong foundation for me to build upon as I moved forward, even before I was accepted. The application process for the program required me to create a research proposal, something that I had never attempted before and I began to understand the complexities of what I would be delving into during the summer. There was no clear direction about what questions to ask or what hypotheses to posit; it was all up to me and what I was interested in. I settled on the two areas that I†¦show more content†¦By learning the software while using data that I had gathered and knew in-depth to conduct analyses that were crucial to my project, I believe that I came to understand the processes of the software much better than I w ould have in the classroom. My hypotheses for this project posited that areas with greater numbers of community service programs would have lower rates of crime, both violent and property. The results came to show a very different picture: areas with high crime rates had a greater number of programs, centralized around larger urban areas. These results intially confused me but it became apparent that my hypothesis was based on the assumption that these community programs were preventative measures and preceded the higher crime rate. Instead these programs arose as a way to combat and counter the symptoms and byproducts that arise from higher crime rates. While these results were the opposite of what I had hypothesized, I was glad that they were so. It showed me the research does not always follow the path you believe it will and that the results you do get can show something more important than what you had hoped it would. I have presented my findings several times, including at a n ational McNair symposium in Atlanta and at a global conference, The Ninth World Congress on Mental Health. In continuing my researchShow MoreRelatedWhy Do We as a Society Need a Criminal Justice System?1179 Words  | 5 PagesWHY DO WE AS A SOCIETY NEED A CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM? Introduction The criminal justice system is comprised of a basic formation, the law enforcement agencies, the courts, and the correctional services. 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