Monday, December 30, 2019
Mental Analysis on Holden Caulfield in J.D. Salinger´s The...
Today in the United States, according the Nation Institute of Mental Health, , almost one in four adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in any given year, and one in seventeen adults are suffering from mental disorders that can be considered serious, such as major depressive disorder, bipolar disorders, pervasive developmental disorders, panic disorder, and post traumatic stress disorders (Health Care Service Corporation) (The Numbers Count: Mental Disorders in America). J.D. Salinger’s novel, The Catcher in the Rye, provides the narrative of a young adult, Holden Caulfield, who I believe shows many symptoms of several different mental disorders. In this essay, I will be providing examples straight from The Catcher in the Rye†¦show more content†¦He also mentions that he is always feels lonely and has a constant urge to commit suicide, which is a severe symptom of depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and many other mental diseases and disorders. I also b elieve that these symptoms and disorders can be kick-started by a traumatic event. For Holden, this would be the death of his little brother, Allie. The death of Allie could cause Holden to idolize those who have the same characteristics as his kid brother. For example, since Allie died young, Holden acts more generous and kind to children than he does to adults or people his age. This is also why Holden idolizes his little sister, Phoebe, because she shares any characteristics with Allie, including his red hair. Allie’s red hair might also be another reason that Holden cherishes his red hunting cap so much; Holden described Allie’s hair as being extremely red, so the redness of the hunting cap might resemble the redness of Allie’s and Phoebe’s hair, so when Holden wears the cap, he can pretend that he is more like them. However, it can be argued that Holden’s extreme emotions are typical of any teenager going through the transition from being a ch ild to an adult. Though it is true that adolescence teens ages fifteen through eighteen areShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Characters And Themes Of The Catcher Rye 1537 Words  | 7 Pages Analysis of Characters and Themes in The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger was born in 1919 to a wealthy Manhattan family. He grew up in the same social conditions as Holden Caulfield does in The Catcher in the Rye. The last thing Salinger cared about was being a successful student because he was very lazy, without care for his responsibilities and tasks. Salinger flunked out of many prep schools, and his parents sent him to a military academy named Valley Forge in Pennsylvania, where he graduatedRead MoreTheme Of The Catcher In The Rye976 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout the novel The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger there are several different themes portrayed that widely relate to current issues of teenagers and adults alike. While reading the novel several different themes were revealed creating a deep and meaningful story line. Three themes viewed within the novel are; the phoniness of the adult world, alienation as a form of self-protection, and the painfulness of growing up. Each of these themes have large significance in character a nd plot developmentRead MoreCatcher in the Rye4413 Words  | 18 PagesThe Catcher in the Rye â€Å"Is The Catcher in the Rye, as a work of literature still relevant for today’s youth?†Name: Sara Sigurdson Course: English A1 Supervisor: Mr. Peter Steadman Word count: 3851 Candidate number: 00136022 Table of Contents Content Page Number Abstract 3 Introduction 4 The Actual Catcher in the Rye 4 The Sexual Matter 5 The Caulfield Family 6 Narrator and Protagonist 8 Role Model 9 Mr. Antolini 10 Targeted Audience 10 Guidance 12 Read MoreCatcher in the Rye Word Choice795 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Word Choice in The Catcher in the Rye By Tom Condon Word choice is a crucial element in a well-crafted story. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is about a 16-year-old in New York in the 1950s named Holden Caulfield. The book is about his exploration in the world as he suffers from severe mental trauma from his point of view. J.D. Salinger uses word choice for realism, theme, and depth of character to make the story relate to the reader and add dimension. The Catcher in Rye contains many distinctRead MoreJ.b. Salinger s The Catcher s The Rye 1319 Words  | 6 PagesJ.D. Salinger’s Use of Symbolism in The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger is well known for his works. His most famous being The Catcher in the Rye. Two other of his famous works include Nine stories and Franny and Zooey. J.D Salinger is also well known for his sense of humor that he includes inside of his books. The Catcher in the Rye has become an essential work to be studied in academic literature and its course of study. This book entails many uses of symbolism throughout theRead MorePsychoanalysis of Holden Caulfield1173 Words  | 5 Pagesaims to treat mental disorders by investigating the conscious and unconscious elements in a human mind by bringing fears to the conscious mind. According to Sigmund Freud, â€Å"The unconscious silently directs the thoughts and behavior of the individual†(Freud 95). Holden Caulfield, the main character in J.D Salinger’s novel, The Catcher in the Rye, is sixteen years old and does not act his own age for he is stuck in his own private world, filled with pain and suffering. In the novel, Holden can be observedRead MoreComparison Of The Rye And The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn 2528 Words  | 11 PagesTHE BENEFITS OF SUFFERING IN THE CATCHER IN THE RYE AND THE ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN The Catcher in the Rye and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, J.D. Salinger and Mark Twain respectively, narrate the process of self-discovery of a young male protagonist. The Catcher in the Rye takes place sometime in the 1950s. Holden Caulfield, the protagonist, narrates his departure from his private school, Pencey Prep. Holden represents a typical high school dropout: he does not try hard in school, and
Saturday, December 21, 2019
My Beloved Country Haiti Was Hit With A 7.0 Catastrophic...
As a woman growing up in society, many events have occurred throughout time, in which I questioned why. Unfortunately we live in an unpredictable world. No matter what the meteorologist says about the weather, 5xs out of 10, they re inaccurate. In January 12 2010, my beloved country Haiti was hit with a 7.0 catastrophic earthquake, which not only affected the country but the entire world surrounding it. Whether you are Haitian-born, American-born with Haitian parents /descendants or even from a different nation/country, the events that transpired from that day on affected us all. With over 220,000 people deceased and 300,000 injured, this by far was the most horrendous event that Haitian people ever had to deal with. With my†¦show more content†¦Many people not only lost their lives and families because of this earthquake, but also, what soon followed next. No one expected the epidemic that soon accompanied this earthquake: The Cholera Outbreak. Cholera is defined by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a bacterial disease that can cause diarrhea and dehydration. This is spread through eating/drinking contaminated food and/or water. Untreated sewage water and someone who defecated in open water are the main causes for this outbreak. Cholera can kill within hours if left untreated. Several treatments have been given to prevent this, while many people were able to battle this on time, several were not as lucky. Haiti’s largest river, the Artibonite became contaminated by wastes and other harmful bacteria from Nepalese soldiers stationed at the rivers upper valley. These soldiers were stationed there by the United Nations. The problem, is with this being Haiti’s largest river, many of its population (about 50-80 thousand to be exact) use this particular water to drink, bathe and wash clothes. This is where the cholera strain was found. The cholera outbreak in Haiti became a pandemic and a major public health issue. A pandemic is defined by Merriam-Webster as an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and effects an exceptionally high proportion of the population. Mother Nature has her own schedule. Avalanches,
Friday, December 13, 2019
Study of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon BP oil spillage in the Mexican Gulf Free Essays
Introduction The Topic: This assignment highlights the incident of the Deepwater Horizon oil spillage in the Mexican Gulf which took place from April 2010, as well as a brief explanation of the financial consequences faced by BP. It also discusses the potential implications of this event regarding BP’s corporate governance regulations. Explanation of the Event: Deepwater Horizon was a deepwater mobile offshore drilling unit. We will write a custom essay sample on Study of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon BP oil spillage in the Mexican Gulf or any similar topic only for you Order Now The rig was so high in length and width that it could easily conduct its operations in deep waters. It was owned by Transocean Ltd. Then Transocean Ltd and BP had a leasing contract until 2013. BP planned to drill a well through this rig and it started the drilling process in February 2010. In April 2010, a very big explosion in the Mexican Gulf was caused on the Deepwater Horizon which was recorded as the highest oil spill in the US history. The Deepwater Horizon was sunk deeply and the oil was continuously flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. According to R, Z (2010), 206 million gallons of oil was spewed. Around 126 workers were managed to be evacuated from the affected area, whereas 11 workers were missing who were later presumed to have passed away. Efforts were put in by BP to cap the well but unfortunately, it did not work out. In July 2010, BP had capped the well. However, it was too late since the incident occurred as the oil had flowed in large quantities to the ocean and it already had created the biggest environmental loss in the history. Cleveland, C (2011) discusses that Since Transocean Ltd and BP were working under a contract for drilling the well, the government of the US considered BP to be responsible for the accident, and therefore, BP was accountable for paying all the cleanup costs which occurred due to the oil spill. BP agreed with the US government on accepting the responsibility of all costs. Even if the costs are covered, it was analysed as the loss which had numerous negative effects on the entire globe. Potential Implications on Corporate Governance: Because of the emergence of the crisis regarding the Deepwater Horizon, the Corporate Governance of BP had to work and plan about the potential implications in an effective manner. Through this incidence, BP Corporate Governance learned many lessons in terms of delivering environmental safety and fulfilling its commitments. In order to respond well for the incident, the Corporate Governance of BP formed the Gulf of Mexico committee. The responsibility of this committee was to restore the losses that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. Following are some initiatives that were to be implemented after the incidence of Deepwater Horizon oil spillage: Cleaning of the spill: The BP board had to monitor the operations of the company in terms of capping the well. The management of the company kept the board in contact and thus, it provides updates to the board on a regular basis. Moreover, the board of BP has decided to continuously work on cleaning up the beaches as well as to work for the communities which are affected by this disaster. Financial Claims There have been seen many legitimate claims against BP, Therefore, the company is now meeting these claims as well as the company’s board is monitoring these claims. The board regarding Corporate Governance of BP has planned about establishing a trust fund and this has been approved with the consent of the White House. This step is going to be taken so that BP’s commitment for accepting all the claims occurring from the event can be proved to all its stakeholders. Financial Liquidity BP was unable to cap the well after this major event. It is due to this reason that the company faced a major loss in terms of its financial standing as well as it suffered negativity in financing because its credit-rating decreased instantly. BP (2010) reports that the company suffered huge financial uncertainties as it lost a huge amount of money in paying claims as well as in establishing a trust fund which cost around 20 billion dollars. Therefore, considering the Corporate Governance of the company, the BP board reviewed the company’s dividend policy. According to the current financial situation of BP after the Deepwater Horizon incident, the company has planned to cancel the dividends of its first quarter. Additionally, it made an announcement that in 2010, the second and third quarters of the year would have no interim dividends. Furthermore, the payments of dividends would be made in 2011. The present financial situation of BP after the incident suggests that the cash resources available to the company are quite less now as compared to its earlier financial situations. Therefore, for having a stable financial position in the market, the board has reduced the level of spending on the capital of the company in 2010. However, the company’s corporate governance is also making sure that the stakeholders are aware of this. Investigation by BP: An investigation has been undertaken by the corporate governance of BP, for identifying the events which surround the unforgettable incident of the Deepwater Horizon. According to Gupta, S (2010), the oil is still there in the underwater in a large quantity. The company is also focusing on coming up with some really effective recommendations relating to the prevention of such accidental occurrences in future. BP produced a report after the conduction of the investigation, named The Deepwater Horizon Accident Investigation Report. This report from the BP included the recommendations for preventing the similar accident in any future situation. Internal initiatives of BP: After the accident, there are some internal initiatives made by BP’s management. These initiatives also include the new possible learning for the improvement of the risk processes within the company. One of the initiatives is the development of an entirely new division of safety and risk. Additionally, one more initiative by the company includes dividing one business, i.e. Exploration and Production segment into three different divisions i.e. Exploration, Development and Production. Dividing a single operation into three different functions means that it will further promote the development in terms of expertise and risk management for the long run. Rebuilding the Reputation: The trust and credibility of BP for its stakeholders is affected a lot after the company held responsible for the huge environmental and societal loss. It can take years to rebuild that trust. Therefore, the corporate governance has started playing an active role in bringing back the reputation of the company which existed before the incident. However, no matter how efficiently the company focuses on rebuilding the previous reputation of BP, it seems quite impossible that it manages to stand out once again in the market facing other similar companies in the industry. Now it has to pay for it as well as wait for a long time to face the world again. BP’s Business Strategy Because of the incident of Deepwater Horizon, the board of BP is reviewing its strategy and made changes in it as following: The events in the Gulf of Mexico led the board to undertake a review of strategy. Led by the group chief executive and his team, the board attempted to address the key challenge of how to regain shareholder value and address core issues, including: †¢ To focus on BP’s operations geographically †¢ To manage BP’s risk more effectively †¢ To focus on BP’s core competency †¢ To reset the portfolio of BP Conclusion In April 2010, the Globe faced a disaster in the Mexican Gulf which was ranked as the one which caused the highest loss for the environment, society, as well as the economy in the US history, i.e. Deepwater Horizon oil spillage. Analysing the event from JSEAFORD (2010),the brand image of BP has been suffered to a great extent, negatively affecting its financial position as well as the shareholder value and the reputation and credibility among its stakeholders. BP having a recognition of being a global company, have the positioning in the minds of people that it is a company which does not care much about the planet if it has to make profits. This perception can be justified from the fact that according to The New York Times (2011), BP took steps which actually saved their own time for working through the rig and just did not care about the dangers involved in those steps. Additionally, for global organisations to achieve success, it is essential for them that they should build a mindset in the organisational culture about focusing not only on profits, but it is quite significant to focus equally on the planet as well as its people. This indicates that an organisation can only prosper and earn its desired profits if it aligns the wellbeing of the environment and the people living in the society, as they also are the stakeholders of the organisation’s business. Without aligning the business with environment and society means that the company is just running its business on selfish terms. Thus, the BP incident shows that the environmental and societal concerns were not present in the scenario, which resulted into extremely negative consequences. However, concluding from The Economist (2011), environmentalists say that the consequences are so negative that the surroundings as well as the people living and working near the affected place are going to recover after many more years. List of References BP (2010) BP Annual Report 2010 [online] available at [24th March 2011] Cleveland, C (2011) The Encyclopedia of Earth [online] available from [24th March 2011] Gupta, S (2010) Gulf spill: Is the oil lurking underwater[online] available from [24th March 2011] JSEAFORD (2010) The Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill [online] available from [24th March 2011] R, Z (2010) Gulf Oil Spill: BP Oil Well Is Now Dead [online] available from [24th March 2011] The Economist (2011) What lies beneath [online] available from [24th March 2011] The New York Times (2011) Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill (2010) [online] available from [24th March 2011] How to cite Study of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon BP oil spillage in the Mexican Gulf, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Planning Systems on Management Control Systems
Question: Discuss about the Planning Systems on Management Control Systems. Answer: Introduction: The article herein presents the brief understanding of management control system practised in the mature, revival and growth firms. The article suggests the significance of organisational life cycle stage and service process type as this issue has been not addressed in a detailed manner. The results derived from testing the relationship between MCS and organisational life cycle stage as well as service process types through the hypothesis for which a cross-sectional survey was conducted among 105 firms operating n several industries on different life cycle stages (Kallunki, Laitinen, and Silvola, 2011). It has been seen that the characteristics of the firm reported in the life cycle literature affect the use of advanced cost-accounting systems differing across different stages of life cycle. Strength of the article A distinctive characteristic of the phases of the life cycle and its emphasis on management company structure has been clearly stated highlighting the strong basis of conducting the article (Su, Baird and Schoch, 2015). The test has been conducting using cross-sectional survey that proclaims interpretation on the ground of evidence provided through such survey. Weaknesses of the article Assumptions have been drawn about the distinct stages of life cycle, which may be not true and valid for all cases. The cross-sectional test has presented data which prevents any further tests for causality (Schoute, 2011). The more complicated relationship can be captured in the proposed direct relationship. The article comprises of variables, which are undertaken to keep it exploratory, but the ideas put forth may warrant further investigation. References Kallunki, J.P., Laitinen, E.K. and Silvola, H., 2011. Impact of enterprise resource planning systems on management control systems and firm performance.International Journal of Accounting Information Systems.12(1). pp.20-39. Schoute, M., 2011. The relationship between product diversity, usage of advanced manufacturing technologies and activity-based costing adoption. The British Accounting Review.43(2). pp.120-134. Su, S., Baird, K. and Schoch, H., 2015. The moderating effect of organisational life cycle stages on the association between the interactive and diagnostic approaches to using controls with organisational performance.Management Accounting Research.26. pp.40-53.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Other cultures poetry Essay Example
Other cultures poetry Paper Aint I a woman? which was written by Sojourner Truth in 1854 and Maya Angelous poem Still I rise which was written in the 20th century both deal with the themes of racism and inequality between white and black people and especially white and black women. The first poem is Sojourner Truths, which asks why she wasnt treated like a woman throughout the speech Aint I a woman? . The two main themes she looks at are the themes of racism and inequality she gives examples throughout the poem that show that women have no rights and the poem questions the morality of why she does not have these rights. Sojourner Truth was born into slavery and therefore had no real education and throughout the poem she highlights this using non-standard English Aint I a woman? She has a deep Christian faith from her childhood and she expresses this at the end when talking about how Christ was from a woman and man had nothing to do with him. We will write a custom essay sample on Other cultures poetry specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Other cultures poetry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Other cultures poetry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this poem she addresses a wide audience because this poem was originally as a speech for a womans conference there would have been numerous people at this conference including men, women, blacks and whites. In the first stanza she talks about how all women should be treated equally comparing the treatment of white women to herself as a black woman. She also talks about segregation when she says that man over there say referring to him as that man and as being over there creates a distance. In the second stanza she talks about how she works as hard as a man in the first few lines of this stanza she engages the reader by using the imperatives look at me followed by look at my arm these commands capture the reader. In the third stanza she talks about the fact that she as all the bad points of both men and women about how she can work as much as a man and that she is not given the right food to match and highlights this point when she says I can bear the lash as well. In the fourth stanza she gathers both sympathy and empathy from the reader when recalling some of her harshest experiences of inequality as a slave she recalls how her children were taken by the slave owners and she recalls how there was nobody there none but Jesus heard me this will engage everyone but especially mothers she also refers to her faith in this line when she mentions that the only person there was Jesus. In the penultimate stanza she refers again to segregation when saying as she did in the first stanza that little man in black there say the use of the word there creates distance between Truth and this person. She again refers to her faith when commenting that man had nothing to do with him when talking about Jesus in a time when religion was a very powerful tool as many people were deeply religious. In the last stanza she says that women should be able to have positions of power saying that as a woman had the power to turn the world upside down they should be able to turn it right side up again. Still I rise was written to express Maya Angelous plight during the 20th century and how she will never be down hearted about it repeating the line still I rise throughout the poem. Maya Angelou had a disruptive childhood when she was three her parents divorced and she was sent to live with her Grandmother in a different state. After being sexually assaulted whilst staying at her mothers she didnt speak to anyone but her brother for four years. She has no target audience as the poem was written as just that a poem and therefore has a large span of people reading the poem however it is aimed at an adult audience rather than children talking of things like haughtiness, sexiness and sassiness. In the first stanza she talks about how people make up lies and put her down your bitter twisted lies she uses personal pronouns to make the reader guilty for her plight and therefore more sympathetic. The second stanza talks about her confidence and power oil well pumping in my living room this use of imagery is very powerful as oil was and still remains a very expensive material. The third stanza is used to make her point that she cannot be stopped using the line just like the moons and the suns and she goes on to say with the certainty of the tides she uses nature as it is the only thing that cannot truly be stopped. She backs this up like she has done with many of the other stanzas by using the phrase still I rise this line is assertive saying no matter what I will rise. The fourth stanza relies on the theme of pain and suffering talking about how she feels people want her to be treated again using personal pronouns to make the reader feel guilty she uses past tense to make the reader feel guilty for what they may have done. The fifth stanza reverts back to present tense and is similar to the second stanza claiming confidence again using the theme of power and wealth gold mines diggin in my own backyard. The sixth stanza almost repeats the theme of pain but is more violent using violent verbs such as cut, shoot and kill and at the end of that stanza again uses the analogy of nature when saying still like air I rise this makes it sound effortless and done with ease. The seventh stanza shows sarcasm in the first to lines of the stanza does it come as a surprise and then as we have seen before the theme of wealth and power diamonds at the meeting of my thighs. The last few stanza change structure in an explosion of rage. Again using nature as an example of power, Black Ocean. It ends with the repetition of the line I rise to enforce her point. Aint I a woman asks people, lets work together using collective people such as women whereas Maya Angelous poem is more of an out cry of anger finalising with the words I rise. Sojourner Truth is ill educated and therefore she uses non Standard English however Maya Angelou uses non Standard English to highlight her roots throughout Mayas poem a theme of aggression moves to the forefront of the poem whereas in Truths poem she grows in confidence questioning the reader throughout. Both poets address a wide audience one in a womans conference and the other (still I rise) not having a real target audience. Still I rise follows a set pattern of quatrains until the end when the structure explodes into a vent of aggression and defiance it also changes from past tense when talking of oppression to present tense when talking about hope. The previous poem on the other hand was written as a speech but still has a rhythm she splits up the poem every 5 or 6 lines with the words Aint I a woman Still I rise is very fast paced because it has shorter sentences compared to Aint I a woman which because it contains longer sentences is much slower. In Still I rise Angelou uses personal pronouns to grab the readers attention and make the reader think about the injustices done. While in Aint I a woman Truth never uses personal pronouns but instead opens up to the reader supplying her inner most thoughts. Both poem repeat their titles right through the poems but for different effects in Still I rise it is used to make a point while in Aint I a woman it is used to back up a point and to question the reader. Both poems use rhetorical questions still I rise uses more, more frequently to highlight or to make points whereas in Aint I a woman they are used purely to highlight or to remind the reader of the theme f the poem. Aint I a woman uses verbs right from the start describing how white women should be treated using the verbs helped, lifted and how they need and the use of verbs continues throughout the poem when describing Truths tasks Plowed and gathered etc all of which are tasks commonly set to men as opposed to the violent verbs used in Still I rise such as cut, shoot and kill. Both poems have very strong endings; Angelou repeats the line I rise three times after rallying people with the word I am the dream, the hope of the slave whilst Truth tells her readers to work together. Still I rise was more a vent of anger whereas Aint I a woman was open and it seemed like she was revealing her inner most secrets. It was for that very reason that I preferred Aint I a woman as I found it therefore easier to sympathise with her than In Still I rise as it felt as if sympathy was almost forced on you despite the fact that Truth used less personal pronouns the imperatives she used grabbed my attention and she kept my attention by discussing personal issues that were very intimate.
Monday, November 25, 2019
USS Illinois (BB-65) in World War II
USS Illinois (BB-65) in World War II USS Illinois (BB-65) was a battleship that was laid down during World War II (1939-1945) but never completed. First proposed as a ship of the massive Montana-class of battleship, Illinois was re-ordered in 1940 as the fifth vessel of the US Navys Iowa-class. As work commenced, the US Navy found that it had a more pressing need for aircraft carriers than battleships. This led to efforts to convert Illinois into a carrier. The resulting designs proved impractical and construction resumed on the battleship but at a slow speed. In early August 1945, with Illinois only 22% complete, the US Navy elected to cancel the ship. Some debate ensued regarding completing the hull for use in nuclear testing, but the cost proved prohibitive and the decision was made to break up what had been built. A New Design In early 1938, work commenced on a new battleship design at the request of US Navy General Board head Admiral Thomas C. Hart. At first conceived as a larger version of the earlier South Dakota-class, the new battleships were to mount twelve 16 guns or nine 18 guns. As the design was revised, the armament changed to nine 16 guns. In addition, the class anti-aircraft complement underwent several evolutions with the majority of its 1.1 weapons being replaced with 20 mm and 40 mm guns. Funding for the new ships came in May with the approval of the Naval Act of 1938. Designated the Iowa-class, construction of the lead ship, USS Iowa (BB-61), was assigned to the New York Navy Yard. Laid down in 1940, Iowa was to be the first of four battleships in the class. Fast Battleships Though hull numbers BB-65 and BB-66 were originally slated to be the first two ships of the new, larger Montana-class, the passage of the Two Ocean Navy Act in July 1940 saw them re-designated as two additional Iowa-class battleships named USS Illinois and USS Kentucky respectively. As fast battleships, their 33-knot speed would allow them to serve as escorts for the new Essex-class carriers that were joining the fleet. Unlike the preceding Iowa-class ships (Iowa, New Jersey, Missouri, and Wisconsin), Illinois and Kentucky were to employ all-welded construction which reduced weight while increasing hull strength. Some debate was also given as to whether to retain the heavy armor scheme initially intended for the Montana-class. Though this would have improved the vessels protection, it would also have greatly extended construction time. As a result, standard Iowa-class armor was ordered. One adjustment that was made in the design was to alter elements of the armor scheme to improve protection against torpedo attacks. USS Illinois (BB-65) - Overview Nation: United StatesType: BattleshipShipyard: Philadelphia Naval ShipyardLaid Down: December 6, 1942Fate: Scrapped, September 1958 Specifications (Planned) Displacement: 45,000 tonsLength: 887.2 ft.Beam: 108 ft., 2 in.Draft: 28.9 ft.Speed: 33 knotsComplement: 2,788 Armament (Planned) Guns 9 Ãâ€" 16 in./50 cal Mark 7 guns20 Ãâ€" 5 in./38 cal Mark 12 guns80 Ãâ€" 40 mm/56 cal anti-aircraft guns49 Ãâ€" 20 mm/70 cal anti-aircraft cannons Construction The second ship to carry the name USS Illinois, the first being an Illinois-class battleship (BB-7) commissioned in 1901, BB-65 was laid down at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard on January 15, 1945. The delay in the start of construction came as a result of the US Navy putting the battleship on hold following the Battles of the Coral Sea and Midway. In the wake of these engagements, the need for additional aircraft carriers became apparent and these types of vessels took priority in American shipyards. As a result, naval architects began exploring plans for converting Illinois and Kentucky (under construction since 1942) into carriers. The finalized conversion plan would have produced two vessels similar in appearance to the Essex-class. In addition to their aircraft complement, they would have carried twelve 5 guns in four twin and four single mounts. Assessing these plans, it was soon determined that the converted battleships aircraft complement would be smaller than the Essex-class and that the construction process would take longer and cost more than was practical. Due to this, the decision was made to complete both vessels as battleships but very low priority was given to their construction. Work moved forward on Illinois in early 1945 and continued into the summer. With victory over Germany and the impending defeat of Japan, the US Navy ordered construction on the battleship to cease on August 11. Struck from the Naval Vessel Registry the next day, some thought was later given to using the vessels hulk as a target for nuclear testing. When the cost of completing the hull to permit this use was determined and concluded to be too high, the decision to break up the vessel on the ways was made. Scrapping of Illinois incomplete hull commenced in September 1958.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Rousseau, Marx, and the Critique of Classical Liberalism Essay
Rousseau, Marx, and the Critique of Classical Liberalism - Essay Example This name reflects the fact that it comes from the integrity of the people (nation, class), the presence of single will before the act of its public expression, and identity of the will and actions of the authorities. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Karl Marx are the most prominent representatives of this theory of democracy. Rousseau’s Political Philosophy Idealizing the natural state, a kind of â€Å"golden age,†Rousseau believed that the civil state must guarantee the recovery of natural equality of man in the form established by the contract freedoms. Rousseau is considered the father of the classical theory of democracy, since he introduced the idea of popular sovereignty. By creating a state, people do not put themselves under the authority of the sovereign, but become the bearers of the supreme power. Considering the sovereignty of the people as indivisible, he opposed the division of sovereignty between any of the bodies. The legislature cannot be transferred to parl iament, and must be carried out directly by the people. All laws are created by the common will of the people. Rousseau’s criticism of liberalism manifested itself most profoundly in the interpretation of the equality problem. Rousseau distinguishes between legal equalityâ€â€or formal equalityâ€â€and de facto equality. ... And it would be unfair, according to ideologues of liberalism, if a fool and a wise man were equal. Rousseau, for all his â€Å"naturalism†, argues differently. By nature, he says, all people are equal. This does not mean that the strong and the weak are equal in strength. In physical strength they are not equal. But they are equal in the right to live. And if this equality is recognized, the strong will help the weak to survive. And then the weak will feel equally strong. But the strong can hurt the weak. And he can take advantage of the weakness of another person in order to subjugate him, to make him work in order to get rich, etc. Similarly, a stupid person can be treated in different ways: one can sympathize with his stupidity, but one can take advantage of his stupidity to deceive him for one’s own selfish purposes. According to Rousseau, natural inequality is compounded by the inequality in the social conditions of life. And the actual inequality of men is manife sted primarily in the inequality of social conditions. That is why humanism in modern society should create equal conditions for healthy people and the most hopeless people with disabilities. Though it could be possible, with reference to their â€Å"inferiority†, simply to reject physically defective people, or enclose them in special reservations. Modern society has become so rich that it can afford to be humane. At the time of Rousseau, it was not so rich. Rousseau proclaimed the need for the actual equality of all people in the society, which was still very far from the economic state when equality could be achieved. Rousseau can be accused of utopianism. But without such utopians
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